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Various elements representing the NOOSA™ brand such as a t-shirt, fiber, filament and yarn.

Case studies

Press Releases

December 5, 2024

NOOSA™ fiber by WATF.News

About sustainable solutions, recycling, and greener futures: an insightful interview with NOOSA™ founder Luna Aslan.

February 20, 2024

NOOSA, Au fil de l'innovation

La nouvelle fibre textile 100% recyclable mise au point par la startup bruxelloise a tout pour révolutionner l’industrie textile en lui apportant un supplément de conscience environnementale.

August 31, 2023
Easy Engineering Magazine International

NOOSA - The biobased circular fiber

NOOSA™ provides a bio-based textile fiber, which can be 100% recycled, and this endlessly. The company is a Belgian based start-up founded in 2019, with headquarters located in Brussels, where they also house the R&D laboratory and recycling facilities.

July 28, 2023
Textile Technology

Innovations to transform the textile industry

Transforming the world of textiles – that was this year’s ITMA motto. Innovations that should help fiber and textile manufacturers transform and grow their business were highlighted.

February 17, 2023

Le textile du futur sera-t-il non polluant?

Le secteur de la mode est l’un des plus polluants de la planète. Il est responsable de 20% de la pollution de l’eau dans le monde. Pour réduire l’impact du textile sur l’environnement, une entreprise belge développe une fibre 100% recyclable.

Industry News

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NOOSA™'s team members chatting and smiling around a table.